Saturday, January 31, 2009

I Needed It! My First Fanfic

I needed it.

And the bad thing was, he knew it. He knew it, but he was not going to make it easy for me. Eric is nothing if not opportunistic and he was not about to let an occasion to remind me how much I needed him pass by. If I was addicted it was as much his fault as mine. (Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!)

Eric was not my first. No, that distinction belonged to Bill Compton, my neighbor from the other side of the cemetery. Bill had been my first; my first vampire, my first boyfriend (well if you don’t count Peter Sinclair in the second grade) and my first lover. He had been the one to open the windows of this new world to me. I don’t think I will ever forget my first time; I don’t believe anyone does. Mine had been perfect. Bill was acutely aware of my innocence; he had been so gentle and patient with me. Taking his time to bring me along slowly and to allow me to learn at my own pace then encourage me when I initiated a move on my own. If this was a drug, then Bill gave me my first fix. Oh yeah, I needed it.

Bill may have been my first, but he was definitely not the best. Nope. That honor belonged to the big Viking Vampire. Let me explain it this way, you don’t live to be over 1000 years old and not learn a few things. And boy did he know things. Eric is an all or nothing kind of guy; you know the type “anything worth doing is worth doing right”. He’s every cliché or other trite saying you might find on one of those positive thinking posters they put up in company lunch rooms. Eric doesn’t know how to do something “half assed” (and what an ass it is…hmmm…sorry, I got distracted). This was no exception.

Eric had shown me things I never knew existed. The things he could accomplish with his fingers could only be described as phenomenal (word of the day January 26). His experience and assurance instilled confidence in me. I discovered I didn’t have to be in the privacy of my home to experience the pleasure; I occasionally enjoyed doing it in public. That’s right, I, Sookie Stackhouse, telepathic barmaid from Bon Temp, Louisiana had even done it in the public library I had visited almost weekly since the 4th grade. My Gran would be shocked! Yep, I needed it.

But I was being denied. I hated this, I hated being dependent on anyone for anything. He thinks I’m just being stubborn and bullheaded or a pain in the ass but I consider it being independent; after all I am my own woman. But I needed it.

“Eric.” I said more like a moan.
“Yes, My Lover?”
“Eric, please.”
“Please, what Lover?”
“You know what.”
“Yes, I know, but if you want it you’re going to have to ask for it.”
“Eric, don’t do this to me.”
“Lover, nothing gives me more pleasure than to please you. But if you want something you’re going to have to tell me what you want.”
Damn, if I’m going to enjoy my evening, I’m going to have to give in. I needed it.
OK, OK! “Eric will you please fix the modem? The internet is down again.”
“Certainly Lover. Now was that so hard?”
What can I say? I needed it!